Writing a Second-Chance Love Story: A Story Grid Masterwork Analysis Guide to Persuasion
Written by Celeste Sharpe and Mai NguyenEdited by Leslie Watts
Jane Austen’s final novel, Persuasion, opens in an unusual way—with two hearts already broken. Anne Elliot and Captain Frederick Wentworth have endured seven years of separation and longing after Anne was convinced by family and friends to refuse his proposal. When they meet again, the central question they face is one that resonates for readers in every time and place: Can we earn a second chance at love?
In their Story Grid Masterwork Analysis Guide, editors Mai Nguyen and Celeste Sharpe show precisely how Austen layered her complex love story with all the necessary obstacles, secrets, and sacrifices to get Anne and Frederick to their well-deserved happy ending. Nguyen and Sharpe analyze Austen’s innovative story scene-by-scene to reveal the genius of Anne’s heroic journey to recapture her voice and agency.
If you dream of crafting stories where characters must navigate their own do-overs in love, friendship, or other meaningful relationships, this writer’s guide to Persuasion provides a map to help you find your way.

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Leslie Watts is a certified Story Grid editor, writer, and podcaster. She’s been writing for as long as she can remember: from her sixth-grade magazine about cats to writing practice while drafting opinions for an appellate court judge.
When the dust settled after her children were born, she launched Writership.com to help writers unearth the treasure in their manuscripts. She believes writers become better storytellers through practice, and that editors owe a duty of care to help writers with specific and supportive guidance to meet reader expectations and express their unique gifts in the world.